Broadleaf Tree Surgery

Securing Google Map Pack Rankings for Tracked Keywords

About the Campaign

Broadleaf Tree Surgery joined Wildcat in 2022 with the aim of regaining lost rankings and positioning themselves as being the go-to tree surgeons in their area. They had been doing SEO for around five years, but experienced a decline in rankings for the eight-nine month period before joining us. They also wanted to gain more visibility in their local area, Kent and Maidstone, and gain more organic conversions through the website via SEO and PPC

What we did

- Content Optimisation
- Blog Strategy
- Performance Max Ads


Ongoing Campaign

What We Did

Content Optimisation

We began by first removing a range of irrelevant and duplicated pages before actioning a content optimisation strategy. We worked through the homepage, key service pages and location pages, as well as their Google Business Profile. As of 2024, we’ve held Google Map Pack rankings for the majority of tracked keywords.

Blog Strategy

With the aim of increasing traffic to the site and brand awareness, we implemented a blog strategy that targeted a range of common questions and queries. This has been very successful, with Q1 of 2024 seeing a 540% increase in traffic. Many of these high-performing blogs have now been optimised for conversions.


As the site began to grow in traffic and visibility, we refocused our strategy and began to optimise for conversions, adding contact forms and better calls to action throughout the site. Over the first quarter of 2024, we’ve seen a 91% increase in organic conversions compared to the previous quarter.

Performance Max Ads

After running a traditional search campaign for a few months, which allowed us to collect valuable insights, we switched to a Performance Max campaign. We instantly saw sharp rises in conversion rates and this allowed us to make use of the current account data to provide us with access to easier conversion opportunities.


In two years, Wildcat has achieved the following results for Broadleaf Tree Surgery

  • Local map pack rankings for the majority of tracked keywords
  • The majority of keywords rank in the top 10 of search results, including ‘tree surgeon’, a keyword with 18.1K search volume
  • Increased the total number of keywords from 164 to 918
  • 618% increase in users year-on-year (Jan-March 2023 vs 2024)
  • 212% increase in Ads conversions
  • 161% increase in Ads impressions
  • 256% increase in Ads clicks